How do I enrol my child in school?
- Contact the Deloraine High School office on 63628900 to enrol your child. A meeting will be organised with the Assistant Principal to discuss the enrolment and your child's needs.
- If you are enrolling your child in a Tasmanian Government school for the first time, you will need to complete an enrolment form and provide:
- details of any needs your child may have to help their school better support and protect your child, including medical information such as any allergies and your child’s immunisation history
- evidence of identity for you and your child (eg birth certificates or other prescribed identification)
- a document showing your child’s residential address.
- Schools use this information to provide positive, safe and equitable learning environments for all children and support students’ progress through their education.
A parent information leaflet is available by clicking on the following link: Enrolment in Tasmanian Government Schools
An enrolment form can obtained from the school office.
Can I choose which school to send my child to?
- You are encouraged to enrol your child at their local school. In situations where you wish to enrol your child in a school other than your local school, the school’s out-of-area enrolment procedure will apply. See the Intake Areas fact sheet, and contact the school or your Learning Service for more information.
- Students from Kindergarten to Year 10 may apply for registration in the Tasmanian eSchool for the following criteria; isolation, medical reasons, medical or travel. For more information discuss with your enrolled school or contact the Tasmanian eSchool.
Transition Program into High School
Each year, Deloraine High School conducts a Transition Program with the intention that it will help smooth the way from Primary School to Grade 7. As part of this, students and staff from Deloraine High School will be visiting and sharing information with local Primary Schools during Term 2.
A Parent Information Evening will be held at Deloraine High School, in June. This evening will provide you with information about the structure and program for Grade 7 classes at Deloraine High School. It is open to all prospective parents/carers and students and will include a quick tour at the end of the information session. This event will be held in the school library.
In addition to this, Grade 5/6 students are invited to be involved in two orientation afternoons at Deloraine High School, in an endeavour to allow them to get to know our school, meet some of our staff, and experience what being a student at Deloraine High is like.
We are inviting all Grade 5 and 6 students to attend these sessions - one in Term 3 and one in Term 4 (schools will be made aware of these dates). On these days, students will participate in discussions, be given the opportunity to become familiar with the school, work with some current Grade 7 students and participate in two practical Options sessions. They will also receive information about stationery and uniform requirements in Grade 7.
If you have any further questions, or would like to visit our school at any time, please do not hesitate to contact Deloraine High School on 6362 8900.