Future Pathways
My Future Website
Head to the myfuture website by clicking on the following link: my future website
The Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service (AATIS)
Head to the Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service to find out information to provide potential job hunting tips to potential apprentices and information for students considering their career options. Click on the following link, filter by the category of your choice, read the most current posts and leave your questions and feedback in the comments section. Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
Youth Navigators
Have you finished Year 12 but aren't sure what to do next? Head to Youth Navigators where they offer free guidance and support, helping you find opportunities that suit your skills, personality and career goals. For more information, visit www.youthnavigators.com.au
Workforce Australia Employment Services
Finishing school? What's next....Workforce Australia coaches help you find direction and achieve your goals. Transition to Work is a FREE program that gives you access to tailored support, resources and activities. Designed to support a wide range of young people 15 - 24 years of age. Call Workforce Australia on 03 6262 5400 or head to our website at www.workskills.org.au