Year 11 / 12
The vast majority of today’s jobs require a Year 12 or higher qualification, and employers are looking for people who are flexible, adaptable and willing to learn new things.
Completing Year 12 or attaining equivalent qualifications should be the aim of all students in Tasmanian Government schools.
In Years 11 and 12, you will have access to a wide range of subjects and VET courses offered through a range of options:
- Colleges and a growing number of high schools and district high schools offer a wide range of programs and study options. Some subjects are available online or through a shared enrolment with a nearby school. This means you will have additional access to subjects of interest and it may require you to study off campus.
- Some programs are accessed through Trade Training Centre (TTC) facilities which are designed to provide practical training using industry-standard equipment.
Your chosen course may be a combination of these available options. Discuss this with your Year 11/12 course counsellor.
For details on where subjects and programs are available go to the Where Do I Study 2020 table.
Teachers and other support staff in all secondary schools throughout the State will support your transition from Year 10 to Years 11/12
Enrolling in Years 11 and 12
If you are currently attending a Tasmanian Government school, your Year 10 coordinator or teachers will give you details about how you can access the information you need to enrol in Year 11. Your school will make all the arrangements for your enrolment and you will have the opportunity to attend information and taster sessions.